Transitional Justice: A solution to the issue of the Right to Return in Israel-Palestine?
Such measures would generate a crisis of legitimacy for the state of Israel and therefore represents a stark contrast to conventional versions of transitional justice as it will initiate a radical transformation of Israeli society, leading to decolonisation.

Unveiling Alabama's Educational Disparities: The Lingering Legacy of Segregation
The enduring legacy of racial segregation in Alabama’s educational system starkly contravenes the fundamental right to an equitable education for every child.

The clash of freedoms: The Right to be Forgotten
The need for this ‘right to be forgotten’ seems contradictory to the right to freedom of information and expression, requiring a balance to be struck between respect for privacy and respect for freedom of information.

Is the future of international justice domestic?
So, justice is only partly about law and morality. It also includes power, and those who hold it, as well as the norms of what is just that the powerful espouse

Is Green Transitional Justice the future for Colombia?
For peace to be viable, nature must be the priority.

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We are a student-run blog aiming to question global dominant discourses, across mainstream media and in academia.